Verse of the Day - Romans 15:7

"Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."
Romans 15:7, NRSV

Welcoming someone is more than just greeting them when they arrive. Welcoming someone is more than just saying they're allowed to be there. Welcoming someone is more than just smiling at them and not saying mean things or being passive aggressive.

Welcoming someone is about making space for them. It's about carving out a place for them in our midst. This is one of the biggest challenges for human beings. We are notoriously tribal and territorial, and even when we desire to be welcoming, hospitality is not in our nature. If we follow the laws of nature, we would continue in tribalism and exclusion. If we would welcome people for the glory of God, we will have to work at it constantly.


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