Verse of the Day - Isaiah 48:17

"This is what the Lord says — your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: 'I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.'"
Isaiah 48:17, NRSV

There's a first premise from which a relationship with God is built: God is good. For me, this means that God is love, but even if you don’t equate "good" and "love," good still implies that God is beneficial for us by God's very nature. When God says that God teaches us what is good, we have to decide whether we trust in that first premise. If we begin with a different premise — for example, that God is not good or that God will have to prove God's goodness — then we can’t accept what God is saying. We shouldn't, then, be surprised when people don't take God's word that God is going to teach them something good. Whether or not they're willing to believe that depends on where they’re beginning in their understanding of God. If you, like me, believe that God is good or that God is love, then understand that God has something good to teach us.

What has God been teaching you lately about what’s good or what’s best for you?


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