The Gospel of Mark: Joy and Happiness (Or Lack Thereof...)

Scripture has a lot to say about joy and happiness. The words that sometimes get translated as "blessed," for example, are used also to mean "happy," and some of the gospels talk about the joy of receiving the Kingdom, such as in Matthew, where joy characterizes the reception of the Gospel in several parables. In Mark, however, the author doesn't emphasize happiness. Mark's gospel is quite somber. Joy and Happiness in Mark Joy and happiness in Mark are not at all like they are in Matthew. There are no forms of the words glad , rejoice , or happy in either the NIV or NRSV translations, and moments of joy and happiness are rare. Here's the breakdown... There's one mention of joy . In the parable of the sower, the ones represented by the seed being sown on rocky places are described as immediately receiving the word with joy, "but they have no root, and endure only for a while; then, when trouble or persecution arises on account of the word...