Why Trump is the Wrong Choice Even if You Oppose Abortion

Original Author: Josh Stump, on Facebook, September 2, 2020. This article is also available on Medium . Reposted here with permission. “I know, as a Christian, I have to vote for Trump, but I just really don’t want to.” So said a good friend of mine in hushed tones at a church gathering before the 2016 election. This woman is near saintly. She is generous, kind, gracious, talented, intelligent and has dedicated herself to serving others in the name of God. So her words really struck me. At first, I was just sort of baffled and incredulous. Why on earth would she think that anyone who follows Jesus would also want to be led by Trump, much less feel obligated to vote for him? I mean, Trump was (and is) the least like Jesus of any American politician I have encountered which is undoubtedly why she didn’t want to vote for him. Look back at how I described my friend above. Trump is none of those things and often seems to go out of his way to be the opposite of those things. So, wh...