Gatekeepers and Pilgrims: Choosing Control Over Christ

Gatekeepers and pilgrims have opposite goals. Gatekeepers must remain stationary in order to watch over the gate, but pilgrims must be moving in order to progress in their pilgrimage. It's the very nature of keeping watch over an entrance that implies a dedication to how or where a thing is. There is a certain unchanging quality to watching over things, and that's how many people have been conditioned to see Christianity: we stand and guard the gate. The Wide and Narrow Gates A famous analogy in the Bible (Matthew) is about finding and entering through the narrow gate and walking the hard path that leads to life. Part of that analogy is a warning about the wide gate, which is easier to find but leads to destruction. I often hear these things referred to for the sake of warning others to check which path they're on, but approaching this passage with an emphasis on the warning often leads to tunnel vision. People can get so fixated on avoiding the wide gate that they fail t...