Sadness and Anger: Loving the Oppressed and the Oppressor

I find that there’s a tension between sadness and anger. Is there an appropriate time to be angry? Are there ways to love without sadness? How do sadness and anger fit into being a Spirit-filled disciple of Christ who leans into God for all things and finds strength and joy in the Lord and rejoices in suffering? I don’t know all the answers, but here's what I've realized: when we’re angry we tend to focus more on oppressors, offenders, and enemies than we do on the oppressed and those who are being wronged. Justifying Our Anger We often use our anger as a way to motivate us to action, but what I see in the world is that anger often causes the situation to deteriorate quickly into an ignorant war between us and them, between this group and that group. It inevitably stops being about the people who are suffering and becomes about us or an agenda or about the people who are causing the suffering. I've gone back and forth with myself about whether or not that's a go...